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Group of girls and women with disabilities at EmpowHer Camp


Disability EmpowHer Network empowers girls and young women with disabilities through mentoring and transformational learning experiences. We recognize that disabled girls have significantly lower high school graduation rates and higher unemployment rates than their nondisabled peers. We also know that girls and women with disabilities are less likely to have successful disabled women mentors. Through multi-stage skill-building, empowerment, and mentoring programs, we address these issues while also empowering disabled young women to live to their fullest potential and have the confidence to lead.

A white disabled young woman and two Asian disabled women pose outdoors. Two of the owmen are holding up sticks and marshmallows.


Empowering Disabled Women

Three teenage women with disabilities in a lean-to standing over a sleeping mat
A group picture of disabled women and people posed in front of the US Capitol Building stairs.


Through our EmpowHer Camp program, young disabled women discover basic survival skills, further develop their life skills, practice leadership, increase their independence, and become more confident.


Our programs connect girls and young women with disabilities with successful disabled women role models. Mentors and mentees are matched based on backgrounds, interests, disabilities, and more. Mentors encourage their mentees to live to their full potential and be confident!


Girls who participate in our EmpowHer Camp are given the opportunity to show off their leadership development by traveling to Washington, D.C. to meet with Congress, leaders in the Disability Community, and their mentors!

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