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Class of 2024
EmpowHer Camp Mentors

Meet the women and people with disabilities currently serving as the support system for EmpowHer Camp!

Melanie, a white woman with glasse and brown hair

Mentor - New York

Mel works as a care coordinator and things that make her smile are animals, swimming, art, pop culture, gardening, outdoors, music, and roller coasters.


If she were an ice cream flavor she says she's a Neapolitian type of ice cream flavor because decisions are hard!

Curran, a Black woman in a manual wheelchair, sits in front of a colorful wall and smiles widely.

Mentor - Georgia

Curran is the EmpowHer Camp Director for Disability EmpowHer Network and just loves Warm weather, traveling, animals, thrifting, live music, arts and crafts (pour painting), art (especially street art), and food and cooking.


If she were a flavor of ice cream, she says it would have to be Brown Butter Almond Brittle- some may think it's weird at first but once you try it, it's sweet, fun, and unexpectedly makes you smile with the surprise almond candies throughout and a nice balance of sweet and buttery.

Erica, a white woman with red/brown hair

Mentor - New York

Erica is a graduate student studying disability studies and is currently an intern at a production company. In her free time she loves writing screenplays, ride her trike, running, and "watching too much TV"


If she were an ice cream flavor she says that her ice cream of choice would be mint chocolate chip because it's a classic, but it's also divisive. Some people love it, some people hate it, but it doesn't change.

Allison, a white woman with dirty blonde hair and her arms out like she's asking "why"

Mentor - New York

Allison is a lawyer for Human Rights and loves sports, traveling, hanging out with her pets, and gardening. 


If she were an ice cream flavor, it would have to be peanut butter cup. Her reasoning is that she enjoys having different interests that can work together in unique and creative ways, just like how the ice cream flavor works together!

Katie, a white woman in a power chair seated next to her black lab service dog, Petunia

Mentor - Ohio

Katie works as the Conda Family Manager of Access Initiatives at the Toledo Museum of Art and loves to enjoy all things arty as well as traveling and spending time with family and friends, including her service dog Petunia. 


If she were an icecream flavor, she thinks that she would be Chocolate chip cookie dough because there's something unexpected and a bit of a rule-breaker about it. 

Sophie, a pale woman with brown curly hair and glasses.

Mentor - Maine

Sophie is the Director of Programs for Disability EmpowHer Network and enjoys watching dramas, riding her bike, and spending time with her wonderful dogs.


If she were an ice cream flavor she is very adament about being Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Therapy, her reasoning being she just wants people to be content with life but also likes to include a bit of the unexpected like chocolate pudding ice cream.

Cheyenne, a disabled woman

Mentor - California

Cheyenne works as an actress and loves diamond painting, thrifting, and playing with her dog.


If she were an ice cream flavor she says she's a Lights, Caramel, Action! By Ben & Jerry type of person because she is an actor, caramel is basically the color of her skin, and loves everything in that ice cream flavor. 

Lilian, a brown skinned woman wearing a patterned shirt

Mentor - Maryland

Lilian works as an artist and entrepreneur and enjoys cooking, pin collecting, watching nerdy movies, and hanging out with her cats.


If she were an ice cream flavor her response was that she would be Trader Joe's New Caramel Swirl Ice Cream (part chocolate, part vanilla) - she's a mix of light-hearted and serious, introverted and invested in close relationships, nerdy and also a mix of other interests outside of fandom

Emily,  a white woman with long brown hair

Mentor - West Virginia

Emily works as an assistant for a nonprofit and loves cows, card games, reading, puzzles, learning new things, arts and crafts, and trying new things.


If she were an ice cream flavor she would have to be espresso and chocolate because she says she tends to get bored easily, and thinks that has a lot of energy tied to it. Plus she adores coffee and chocolate. 


Mentor - Maryland

Lilian works as an artist and entrepreneur, enjoying cooking, pin collecting, watching nerdy movies, and hanging out with her cats.


When asked about what type of ice cream flavor she would be, her response was "Trader Joe's New Caramel Swirl Ice Cream (part chocolate, part vanilla) - I'm a mix of light-hearted and serious, introverted and invested in close relationships, nerdy and also a mix of other interests outside of fandom."


Mentor - California

Cheyenne works as an actress and loves to thrift, work on diamond painting, and play with her dog!


Cheyenne knows that if she were to be an icecream flavor, it would have to be Ben and Jerry's Lights, Caramel, Action! She is thinking very literal in the sense that her reasoning is that she is an actor, caramel is basically the color of her skin, and she just loves everything in that ice cream flavor.


Mentor - West Virginia

Emily works as an assistant for a non-profit and loves all things cows as well as card games, reading, puzzles, learning new things, arts and crafts (cricut), and trying new things.


She says that if she were a flavor of ice cream, it would have to be Espresso and chocolate because she says she tends to get bored easily, and it has a lot of energy tied to it. Plus she just adores coffee and chocolate.

Macie, a young white woman smiling

MIT - North Carolina

Macie is a student in middle school and enjoys swimming, basketball, and dabbling in cooking.


If she were an ice cream flavor she would be mint chocolate chip flavored ice cream because she just loves things that have chocolate and mint!

Abby, a white nonbinary person with red hair wearing sunglasses

Co-Mentor - Massachusetts

Abby works at Able South Carolina and enjoys video games (including streaming on Twitch), playing guitar and singing, baking, and going for walks with their Maine Coon, Apollo.


If she were an ice cream flavor, they say that they would have to be mint chocolate chip, because they try their best to be bright, cheerful, and refreshing whenever they can!

Bridget a white disabled woman with curly hair hugging a dog

Ally - Massachusetts

Bridget works in performance management and loves reading, playing video games, and spending time with her family.


If she were an ice cream flavor she thinks of herself as a Banana Split type of person, having lots of facets to her personality and always likes having lots of things going on.

Kelly B.jpeg

Ally - Pennsylvania

Kelly works as in Human Resources for Pride Mobility Products/Quantum Rehab and loves hiking and walking her dog, playing sports, and spending time with friends and family.


If she were an ice cream flavor, she would have to be Chocolate chip cookie dough, because you get a variety of ingredients and flavors in one bite. 

Lily, a white young person with short brown hair and glasses

Ally - Illinois

Lily is currently doing an internship with Disability EmpowHer Network while going to high school as a senior. She enjoys reading mystery books, acting in plays, working as the Sound Master for her high school drama troupe and writing poetry.


If she were an ice cream flavor she thinks she would be the confident half-baked from Ben and Jerry's because you never know what you're going to get in a bite.

Stephanie Woodward

Mentor to the Mentors - New York

Stephanie is an attorney and the Executive Director of Disability EmpowHer Network. Stephanie loves pie and Halloween.


If she were an ice cream flavor she would be chocolate brownie with fudge swirl because she thinks it is the best flavor.

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